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Salmon Fishing in Scotland

Japanese Angler, Yukio Tsubono, with a hold of a Tulchan Salmon
What makes Scotland Unique?
Scotland offers some of the best and most varied salmon fishing in the world. Form small West Coast "Spate rivers to the Classic and famous rivers in the East. Rivers such as the Spey, Dee, Tay, and Tweed, not only have a great history of salmon fishing, but those are the river where modern salmon fishing began.
Having traveled all over the world in search of Salmon, I can put my hand on my heart and say, when it comes to fishing for and catching salmon, there's nowhere quite like Scotland. I say this not only as a passionate Scot, someone who has worked in salmon fishing all his life, but as someone with a genuine interest in providing all my clients with the best information and experience I possibly can.
I'm not going to say for one minute there are not places in the world that offer a better chance of catching "more" salmon. What I am saying is, here in Scotland, we have the best fishing:
Infrastructure, roads, and transport from wherever you are in the world, right to the fishing beat. Without fuss or driving long distance.
Ghillies - Full-time people looking after a specific beat or area of the river.
Accommodation - A perfect network of Hotels, B&Bs and Self Catering
Packages - Fishing can be found across every price range. From £20 to £1000 per day.
Information Highway - There is more information on Scotlands RIvers than any other country I know.
A long and interesting Culture, and History based around the sport of Salmon Fishing
Lots of interesting things for both fishers and non-fishers to explore during their stay.
All of the above make Scotland unique and special, somewhere every discerning salmon fisherman should look to visit during their Salmon Fishing Lifetime.
However, like every other country, every river, there are times the fishing is better than others. At Speyonline we pride ourselves in offering our clients the best information possible regarding when and where to fish ensuring, as much as possible, your expectations are met. Our long list of repeat customers are a testimony to this.
We offer fishing on many beats throughout Scotland, working in conjunction with our many partners throughout the country to provide the best deals possible.
Click Below for Fishing Available -
River Spey
River Deveron
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